As the Director, I have met so many people in the community of Wabash whether he or she lives in the city or county. Wabash is a special place! I knew Wabash was extraordinary before becoming Director. By living in Wabash and meeting so many people, I have began to appreciate HOW exceptional Wabash is. Wabash is a vibrant and energizing community with people who truly love their community. There are some wonderful institutions and landmarks in Wabash (city and county) such as the Honeywell Center, Wabash County Historical Museum, Stockdale Mill, etc. Yet, it is the people of this community and their love for Wabash that make this place special.
I invite you to share your thoughts or comments on what makes Wabash special!
Also, how can your Library (Wabash Carnegie Public Library) help to make this community even better?
* If you want to add a comment or response and you do not have a blogger account, you can do the following to post your comments/responses. One clicks on the "Anonymous" circle to check and then click on "Publish Post" once you have finished your comments/responses. Any questions, talk to or call us at the Wabash Carnegie Public Library (1-260-563-2972).
Thanks for participating and look forward to your comments,
Ware W. Wimberly III
Wabash Carnegie Public Library