I want use this blog post to thank the many people who made the first Community Read a success. I hope this is an project that can be repeated in the coming years. I want to thank the Wabash Carnegie Public Library Board of Trustees for their support of the Read. A thank you to Tracy Stewart, Celia Briggs, Danielle Miller, and Lavonne Sparling for their counsel and help in forming this event. Thank you to Cathy Day for writing The Circus In Winter and for coming to Wabash on September 4th. Cathy lead a workshop on Creative Writing for 22 students from Wabash High School's AP English Class. Over 30 people also participated in a program led by Cathy at the Library later in the day. Cathy discussed being a writer, her books, and the writing process at this program at the Library.
If you participated in the Community Read, I hope it provided some good memories of good literature and fellowship with others. I would welcome your comments. If another Community Read was organized, what books would you recommend? How could the Community Read be organized better?
Finally, thank you to all who read The Circus In Winter and attended the programs offered. I hope it was a rewarding and worthwhile experience.