Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and beginning of the holiday season

Dear Friends,

With the Thanksgiving a couple of days away and the holiday season almost upon us, I thought it might be fun to list ten things I am thankful for this holiday season. So here it goes,

1.) Becoming an uncle for the first time in my life.

2.) Living in a community (Wabash) that has so much to offer in terms of people's talents and gifts.

3.) Living in a town (Wabash) with such rich history and cultural events

4.) Family

5.) Health and shelter

6.) Being Director of your public library, working for an excellent Board of Trustees, and wonderful staff

7.) Patrons who I meet everyday and learn how the Library helps them

8.) Being part of a wonderful profession

9.) Not having to travel far for Holiday gatherings

10.) Fine Free Week (where the Library collects can goods for F.I.S.H. in return for waived fines)

What would you include in your top ten? As the busyness of the holiday season draws upon us, I hope that Library can assist in making this a joyful holiday season. If you need a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, stop by and see us. See you at the Library.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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