Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our Hero's Tree

Our Heroes' Tree

It is almost time again for Our Heroes' Tree !Nov. 11-Dec.

Honoring and Supporting Veterans

The United States has a long tradition of patriotism. As citizens, we honor the service, commitment, and sometimes the ultimate sacrifice of the men and women who serve our country. Our Heroes’ Tree is an opportunity for our community to recognize the significance of the selfless service of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who have served our nation in and times of peace and conflict. The Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University and Wabash Carnegie Public Library invites you to join us for the second annual Our Heroes’ Tree. Our Heroes’ Tree is a national initiative founded by Marlene Lee and Stephanie Pickup to recognize and honor the sacrifices made by the families of current service members, veterans, and deceased service members.

How You Can Get Involved:

1. Create a handmade ornament honoring a service member in your family or community from a past or present war or military conflict. You can use one of our templates if you wish. (available at the library circulation desks)2. Bring the ornament to Wabash Carnegie Public Library this holiday season where it will be placed on a tree that will be on display on the second floor.

I want to thank Polly Howell for putting this together.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Couple of Updates

There a couple of items I wanted to update patrons on:

First, the plan for the parking lot is proceeding. It is anticipated that the library will be meeting with local authorities in the coming month to seek approval of the plans for the parking area.

Second, the library is very close to launching its new web site. Work has continued through the Fall and anticipate it to up and running by the end of the year.

As with a lot of things, the library is working hard to advance in various areas in order to maintain high services for our customers.

Thank you for continuing support and patronage of the Wabash Carnegie Public Library.

Ware W. Wimberly III

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Congratulations to North Manchester Public Library/Importance of libraries

I want to take a moment to congratulate North Manchester Public Library on receiving an America's Star Library designation of 3 stars. All the libraries whether public or academic in Wabash County strive to do its best to serve our patrons and community exceptionally. I also want to thank the Plain Dealer for pointing out the positive impact both economically and culturally that libraries have in a community. In a time when the ecomony is not the best and high unemployment, public libraries are a vital particularly to technology needs of everyday life.

I may be bias, but I believe Wabash County has very good libraries. It is nice to see one recognized (wouldn't mind it being the Wabash library too) and the importance of libraries to be recognized!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Suggestion Box

Next week, there will be an added feature at the Circulation Desk. It will be a small suggestion box that will be for patrons to write down questions, make constructive comments, or provide suggestions on how the can serve better. The sheets are small with the OPTION of putting ones name and phone/e-mail address.

The completed sheets will go directly to the Director (no other staff person or patron). This is a way for you to tell us how we are doing, what are we doing we well, or how we can make your experience at the library better.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Property Tax Cap issue

There is an important issue coming up in the November elections on whether Indiana voters will add the current property tax issues to the Indiana Constitution. There was a good article in the Indianapolis Star on this that provides both sides of the issue. The issue for the Star is Monday September 20, 2010 on the front page. The title is "Tax Caps In Constitution? Voters Decide". There is a copy of the September 20th issue at the library or one might be able to locate the article online at the Star's web site (

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

November Referendum on Property Tax Caps

There is an important issue for government units, libraries, and other public supported institutions in this election year. Indiana residents will have an opportunity with a referendum to vote on whether the current property tax caps should be added into the Constitution of the State of Indiana. If the 2010 Tax Cap Constitutional Referendum passes, the property tax caps of 1% (homeowners), 2% (farmland & rental), and 3% (other property) will become part of the Constitution. The caps are presently law but not part of the Indiana Constitution. For local taxing units, including libraries, the support to provide the services citizens expect and want are primarily based on the amount of tax revenues generated including property taxes.

Regardless of how the tax rates are determined or what resources funds come from, public units such as libraries have the responsibility and obligation to use tax dollars wisely for the taxpayer and community. Recently I attended a workshop where Larry DeBoer, Professor at Purdue University, gave a presentation on the effects of the 2010 tax caps if this law became part of the Indiana Constitution. According to Professor DeBoer, who focuses on local government issues in Indiana, approval of the referendum will not provide additional property tax relief since the tax caps are in place already (DeBoer). Further the inclusion of the property tax caps as a part of the Indiana Constitution will prevent future adjustments in property tax bills above the caps (DeBoer). Across the state, local units of government are facing lower tax revenues and, in many instances, are struggling to make sure important public services are funded. Many government taxing units are looking at increased fees and other options to combat the reduced revenues in property taxes.

Although I understand the argument for the caps, I worry about the inflexibility that results in making the caps part of the Constitution. It may affect the availability of public services provided by libraries and other governmental entities. What will be the long term effects on providing important and crucial services by local governments and tax based institutions? What resources could be tapped to compensate for this lost revenue, including other taxes?

I don’t know the answers, but I know this issue will be prominently on my mind this fall and beyond. If I can try to answer questions on this subject, please let me know.

See you at the library!
Ware W. Wimberly III, Director

Work Cited:

DeBoer, Larry. Indiana’s Constitutional Referendum on Tax Caps, November 2010. Purdue University, Department of Agricultural Economics: August 2010. p. 9.

Computer Classes

The Library is offering computer classes in October and November. The classes will be taught by David Fisher, Instructional Assistant at the Learn More Center. The first class is Friday, October 1st, from 10:30 to 12:00 am. The following is a description of the class entitled "Getting to Know the Computer and the Internet.

The class is intended for people who know very little about computers and the Internet. If you would like to be able to send e-mail or surf the web, but don't know how, sign up for this class to get a start in the right direction. A skilled instructor will be here to teach you the basics and answer your questions.

There is a sign up sheet at the Circulation Desk. There is no charge involved. Due to number of computers to use, there is a limit of 8 people to sign up.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Note of first book, O'Keeffe, in Fall Book Discussion Series

The first book in the Fall Book Discussion series is O'Keeffe by Britta Benke. If have not signed up for our first discussion on September 16th, the book is one that does not a lot of time in terms of reading ahead of the discussion. O'Keeffe is 94 pages long and almost every other page is an illustration. So, don't let the book's length worry you! It is wonderful book to just look at and one should have a wonderful time just learning about Georgia O'Keeffe, her art, and her life.

So, please join us on September regardless of whether one has read O'Keeffe or not.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Anonymous Note & Gift of Appreciation/Fall Book Discussion

On August 23rd, the Library received in the mail today an anonymous donation from a library user complimenting the library staff . There was a note with the cashier’s check stating “I appreciate all the employees for their knowledge and kindness”. I have no idea who gave the donation but it was great to hear about the work the library's staff is doing; if the person is reading this, I thank him or her very much. Very nice way to start a week!

The Fall Book Discussion Series is almost upon us. We are thrilled to have Phyllis Downey leading the discussion again this Fall and look forward to see you at the three programs. The books for the 2010 Fall Book Discussion are O'Keefe by Britta Benke (Sept 16th), Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet (Oct 21st) by Jamie Ford, and Every Last Cuckoo (Nov. 18th) by Kate Maloy. All discussion will start at 7:00 on the above dates and copies of each book will be available for sale at the library if one wishes to purchase a copy. Thank you again, Phyllis!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Next Crafty Book Club meeting

The next Crafty Book Club program is September 8th, not September 15th. Futher information will be out soon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Land Across Street Update

I wanted to take a moment and update information about the property across the street from the library that was purchased at the end of last year. The sidewalk is currently being replaced and should be completed in the next couple of weeks. While the ground is allowed to settle this summer, the library is working with Randall Miller & Associates on designing and preparing the parking lot to meet current zoning laws and regulations.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Web site update

The Library has been working with Visionary Web for the past month on a new web site design. At this time, the design has been completed and the conversion process to the new website starts. We hope to have the new web site ready in the next couple of months. I want to thank Jeff Knee, Wayne Barkey, Polly Howell, and the Wabash Carnegie Public Library staff for their help and advice through the process.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Circluation New Highs, Revised Web Site, Suggestion Box, and Exciting Fall

Summer is winding down and the library has a terrific one at that. In the next paragraph or two, I will highlight some new "happenings and goings" for the library.

The 2010 Summer Reading Program has been awesome and quite a success. The 2010 Summer Reading Program has helped to spur two straight months of new high numbers for June and July in regards to library material checked out. In June, there were over 16.000 items checked out and over 14,000 items in July. There is definitely some reading going on this summer!

The library has been through a process of working with Visionary Enterprises on redesigning the library's web site. After a lot of drafts and revising, a design has been selected and the new web site should be in place this month or September at latest. I want to thank Wayne Barkey, Jeff Knee, and Polly Howell for their work and advise in this process.

The library is also in the process of putting in a suggestion box in the upstairs at or near the Circulation Desk. This is an opportunity for our customers to provide constructive feedback on ways of improvement, customer service, appreciation of, etc. We hope this provides an avenue for you to tells us "what you think" . You are always welcome to see me (door to my office is usually open) or contact me at (260) 563-2972.

Are you ready for Crafty Book Club or the Fall Book Discussion series? Both are back again this fall. The Crafty Book Club starts again on August 11 and we are taking sign-ups now. There will be a Crafty Book Club program each month until the end of the year (see previous blog entry for upcoming dates). Phyllis Downey will leading our Fall Book Discussion series starting in September. More details will be available in the near future. So make sure you join us for these events.

Thank you for your continued patronage to the Wabash Carnegie Public Library and we are serving you well!

See you at the library!

Ware W. Wimberly

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dates for Crafty Book Club

Crafty Book Club is returning in August. The tentative dates for this fall are below:

August 11
September 15
October 6
November 10
December 1

All these dates are on a Wednesday in the evening. The Library thanks Candie Cooper again for doing this. Sign up and time for the one in August will be available very soon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thank You and Welcome

The governing body of the Wabash Carnegie Public Library (and majority of public libraries in the State of Indiana) is the Board of Trustees. The Wabash Carnegie Public Library Board of Trustees consists of seven appointed Trustees. These Trustees are appointed by local government units such as City Councils, Schools, Commissioners, etc. What government bodies make these appointments largely depends on the type of library district and the geographic area the library district covers.

As a library district whose boundaries are the City of Wabash city limits (not county or township), our Trustees are appointed by the following entities: School Board of Wabash City Schools, Wabash County Commissioners, School Board of Metropolitan Schools of Wabash County, Wabash County Council, Wabash City Council, and Wabash City Mayor. All Trustees live within the library district.

Unless filling an current term, a Trustee term lasts for four years. At the end of each term the appointing body must either appoint that individual again or appoint a new person. The Trustee can be appointed for 4 consecutive terms (or 16 years). If a Trustee has served 4 consecutive years (16 years), the person can not by Indiana State Law be reappointed and must wait four years to be eligible to be appointed.

The reason I bring this background up on terms of public library trustees is because the Wabash Carnegie Public Library will be experiencing some changes in the Board of Trustees beginning in July. Due to terms ending, two of our Trustees will be leaving the Board and two new have been appointed. Pete Jones and Susan L. Baker will be leaving the Board due to terms ending at the end of June.

I wanted to thank Pete and Susan for their guidance and leadership as a Trustee and President of the Library Board. It has been an honor and privilege personally to serve as Director with your leadership on the Board! You will be missed on the Board.

As first time Director, I greatly appreciate your advice and counsel in my life over these past three years. It has been such as blessing in my life and career.

With these terms ending, it means two new people will be taking their place on the library Board. The new Trustees are Jeff Knee (Wabash City Schools) and Charlie Miller (Wabash County Council). On behalf of the library, I welcome Jeff and Charlie to the Library Board.

Ware W. Wimberly III

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer is upon us

Summer is upon us and the Wabash Carnegie Public Library is preparing for the Children and Young Adult Summer Reading programs. There is no charge for participating in the various programs and activities involved in the Summer Reading programs.

The Children’s Summer Reading program covering ages 2 to 15 years old is highlighted by Mike Hemmelgarn who is a Comedy Juggler/Venriloquist, Melchier Marionettes, and Serengeti Steve’s Reptile Experience.

For Young Adults (Grades 7 to 12), there will be a number of exciting activities and programs. On June 17th, Candie Cooper will instruct how to make one’s tee shirt uniquely yours. There is another craft program on July 22nd and a Mother-Daughter Book Discussion on July 14th.

The Summer Reading programs start June 1 and go through July 28th. If you are interested in any of these programs, please call (260) 563-2972 or check out our web site at

I was on vacation and out of town. The vacation was relaxing and I saw family, but it is also nice to be back. Although still recovering somewhat from the jet lag, it is nice to know one is returning to a work that he loves.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Experience Meeting Author

Being in a profession that handles books a great deal, one of the exciting aspects is meeting an author on occasion. Such an experience recently happened. What made this more exciting was that the author was in Wabash doing research for new series based on Wabash in the mid to late 1920's. The author is Sharlene MacLaren. Sharlene is currently doing research on a series title called River of Hope. The setting will be the Wabash River, Wabash IN. The proposed titles of the three books in the River of Hope series are River Song, Winds of Grace, and Waters of Mercy.

Sharlene was here in Wabash a few weeks ago during research. She and her husband stayed at the new Charley Creek Inn, met with people locally, visited the library and museum, and got a feel of the history of Wabash in the 1920's into the 1930's. It is quite exciting to make such connections and for Wabash to be the focal point of her new books!

Sharlene has a number of books published including the Daughters of Jacob Kane book series. The titles in this series are Hannah Grace, Maggie Rose, and Abbie Ann . These books are part of our library collection and thus available to check out with library card. This series and the River of Hope series are in the genre of Historical/Christian Fiction. The names of people and places will not be the same as the names of people and places the book/series is based on.

This is quite exciting and look forward to when the River of Hope series comes out! The first book of the new series (River Song) is scheduled to be released in Spring of 2011.

Below is a short synopsis of book in the River of Hope series:

River Song: Widowed woman with two small children struggles to operate the family restaurant single-handedly until a drifter with nothing but a knapsack and a harmonica in his pocket comes to town and offers to lend a hand in exchange for living in the small quarters above the restaurant.

Winds of Grace: Young women on the run from the law makes a rash decision to marry a widower with four unruly children, hoping name change and his secluded farm will lend protection from her past.

Waters of Mercy: Scandal surrounds a women in her early 20s when it becomes obvious she is pregnant-and unmarried. What people do not know is that their gruff, law enforcing sheriff's son raped her-and the sheriff will stop at nothing to protect his son's name-and his. When the town's new doctor gets involved, trouble escalates in the form of thievery, arson, and death threats.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Parkng area - land with former structure

The library recently had a building torn down across the street on property purchased by the library at the end of 2009. The paving of the area will not start until later in the summer at the earliest in order to allow the ground to settle and make sure parking area plans are in line with current zone regulations. We will keep the blog updated as major developments proceed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Odds and Ends at the Library

I wanted to update on some things happening at the Library:

Work continues on revising the Library's website. The Library hopes to have it completed by early summer.

The Library's exciting Summer Reading programs start June 1st. We are looking forward to the various wonderful programs and activities set up by the Library's Youth Services Department.

If one uses the stand-up computers upstairs, the Library has added a couple of new chairs specifically for those computers.

On May 5th, there will be another Crafty Book Club program here at the Library. The next Crafty Book Club program will not be until August.

On May 13th, the Spring Book Discussion will conclude with a discussion on Mildred Pierce by James Cain at 7:00 pm at the libary. Lottie Waggoner will leading the discussion and we cannot thank her enough for leading the series.

As aways, let me know how the library can be serve to you our patrons and the community as a whole.

Ware W. Wimberly III, Director

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Library Closed on Friday, April 30th - Staff training in Kokomo, IN

Staff training and learning is an important aspect for any organization. On Friday, April 30, the staff will be attending the Indiana Library Federation District II Conference in Kokomo, IN. The District II Conference in Kokomo provides staff training that will in turn assist us as a staff to be of greater assistance to patrons. Due to the staff attendance at the conference, the Library will be closed on Friday, April 30th.

We thank you for support for the library and please let me know at any time if there are ways we can improve our service to you, the patron.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

National Library Week

April 12th to April 17th is National Library Week. In honor this special week, the library is doing a couple of things.

First, the library will waive all fines for overdue materials returned during this week, and a payment of $1.00 per card will remove all overdue fines previously accrued on that card. This offer is valid on overdue fines only, and does not apply to any other charges that may be on your card.

The library will also hold a drawing for the following books:

Apostle by Brad Thor; Associate by John Grisham; Circus in Winter by Cathy Day; Crow lake by Mary Lawson; Even money by Dick Francis; Fatally flaky by Diane Mott Davidson; Fearless fourteen by Janet Evanovich; Fish! By Stephen Lundin; Greedy bones by Carolyn Haines; In an instant by Lee & Bob Woodruff; Indiana butterflies & mothsIndiana wildlife; Intervention by Terri Blackstock; It's not easy being green by Jim Henson; Magicians by Lev Grossman; Modoc by Ralph Helfer; Ohio wildlifePlanisphere; Quiet strength by Tony Dungy; Shades of blue by Karen Kingsbury; So sexy so soon by Diane E Levin; Very valentine by Adriana Trigiani; Wishbones by Carolyn Haines; Your pregnancy week by week by Glade Curtis; Summer on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber (MP3-CD); Two Brothers by David Jones (MP3-CD);

Stop by the library this week to take care of your fines and enter our drawing during the week.

Regardless of your reason for stopping at the library, the library hopes it is an important part of your life!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Battle of the Books

I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone involved in the Battle of the Books. The Library has another successful Battle of the Books with at least, i believe, over 400 in attendance of the the three days. I want to thank in particular April Nicely, Nancy Synder, and Laura Butler. It is another example of what a outstanding staff our library has! Congratulations to Southwood Jr, High and Sharp Creek Elementary for winning the event.

Monday, March 15, 2010


The Library purchased the house across the street (189-191 W Hill Street/next to the Dr. James Historical Home) at the end of 2009 for the purpose of creating additional parking. Additional parking has been a need for a number of years particularly during times of library programming. At the Board Meeting on November 24th, 2009, it was decided to tear down current structure and adding parking in its place. This decision was made after through discussion and consideration! As an institution that values the cultural heritage and history of the community, the library respects the importance of preserving cultural history and heritage. After consideration of many factors, it was decided that parking was the best option in serving patrons. The Library anticipates the demolition to begin within the next few days.

We thank you for your corporation during the demolition time. If you have any questions, please contact the Director, Ware W. Wimberly III, at (260) 563-2972.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Suggestions for improving Wabash Carnegie Public Library's website

We're about to meet with our website designer, so if you have some comments about the Wabash Carnegie Public Library website, leave your opinions, questions, comments, complaints, suggestions, etc. in the comments. So think about this and let us know:

1. Is there something missing from the library website that you'd like to see?

2. Is the library website easy to use, or could it be simplified?

3. Could we jazz the website up to make it more fun or interesting?

*Want to thank Laura Beutler for providing these questions

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cassie - Computer reservation software

In the next couple of months, the library will be adding computer reservation software to the public computers. The computer reservation software is called Cassie. It will not change the access of the computers but just the management of the computers from the administration side. Most public libraries in the State of Indiana have a computer reservation program for the public computers. Cassie as with other similar programs allows patrons to sign in and reserve computers on their own. Once a patron is set up with a user id and password, the patron can sign in utilizing that information. This will replace the process of stopping at the Information desk to provide name, city/town of residence before being assigned a computer. Once this system is in place and running well, it will also allow staff to focus more on helping with reference questions both in person and over the phone. Although there might be some initial bumps from the adjustment, it should provide for a smoother computer use experience for both patron and staff.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Description of books for the Spring Book Discussion

Details on the Spring Book Discussion from Lottie Waggoner. Dates are March 18th, April 15th, and May 13th. The discussions will be at the library on these days (all Thursdays) starting at 7:00.

The New Woman

At the end of the Victorian Era, the New Woman emerged. She wanted to take up more space in the public arena. She wanted a voice in the way the government was run. She wanted the vote. She wanted to bob her hair, wear a short skirt, and dance the Charleston.
The three novels we are reading this spring all feature protagonists who are New Women. Lily, Bea, and Mildred live during the beginning of the 20th century and break the gender norms of that time. Their lives are not only interesting historically, but also emotionally because their struggles are the struggles that women at the beginning of the 21st century still face.
Each of these novels have been made into movies, so pop some corn as we will be viewing clips to decide if the book or the movie garners our “2 thumbs up.”

House of Mirth
Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton wrote about the privileged society she lived in and was critical of it. Her protagonist Lily Bart is stunningly beautiful, but she is almost 30 – and single. Throughout this novel Lily attempts to manipulate the marriage marketplace. She has no family fortune, so she has to parlay her beauty into the most financially beneficial union. Lily, however, asserts her own will.
Through Lily’s eyes, we are witnesses to a vicious society based on pretense and wealth. If this novel were made into a TV show, it would be called “The Real Housewives of Fifth Avenue.”

Imitation of Life
Fannie Hurst

If you are only familiar with the 1959 movie version (there was another film adaptation in 1934) of Hurst’s novel, you will be amazed at the differences. The novel’s focus is on Bea Pullman’s rise to success in the waffle-house business between the world wars after the death of her husband.
The sub-plot of Delilah’s daughter’s rejection of her mother and her race by “passing” as white was also totally revised by Hollywood. It should make for rousing discussion!

Mildred Pierce
James M. Cain

As with Bea, Mildred enters the business world out of necessity, not choice. The Great Depression and a shiftless husband force her to look for any available job to feed her children. But, her talent was always right there – Mildred can bake a mean pie. It will make her millions.
This dark novel contains lots of scrumptious elements. The secondary characters are well-drawn, and the importance of friendship is a strong theme. However, the book’s strength is the sinister daughter, Veda. Is she a New Woman? How should we define her?
The movie won an Academy Award for Joan Crawford.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crafty Book Club

Crafty Book Club:

On February 3rd starting at 6:15, the first in a series called the Crafty Book Club led by Candie Cooper will occur. There are sign-ups in the library at the both the Circulation desk and downstairs for signing up for the Crafty Book Club program led by Candie Cooper. There will be another one in both March and April. The program is for adults and one does not need to bring supplies (will be provided). Time and description below:


Come make a sweet Valentine ornament just in time for Valentine’s Day! This class will show you unique painting, decoupage, glittering and embellishing techniques. You can choose from two styles, traditional or funky, as well as paint colors to make it completely your own. We will also look at some inspiring craft books that use some of the same techniques shown in class. A supply and instruction handout will also be included so you know exactly what we used and make your own at home.

Please specify chosen style: traditional (red with birds) or funky (cartoon animal) at sign up.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spring Book Discussion and Crafty Book Club

I want to highlight two upcoming programs that the Library will be holding this Winter/Spring.

The first one which is referred to as Craft Book Club is for adults. Candie Cooper will be leading these three programs. The tentative dates are Feb. 3rd, March 10th, and April 21st. Details on the program and the times on those dates will be coming forth very soon. The Library thanks Candie for leading this program and is very excited about offering this!

Lottie Waggoner will be leading the Spring Book Discussion. The discussion times will be in March, April, and May. Details on exact dates, times, book titles, etc. will be forthcoming very soon. The Library thanks Lottie again for leading our Spring Book Discussion especially with her commute from Bloomington!

We hope you can join us for either or both programs! Thank you for your patronage and support.

Ware William Wimberly III, Director

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thank You and best wishes in 2010; Circulation Challenge Update

As you know, I have been putting a challenge on the Director's Blog to reach a new high for yearly Circulation transactions total. We were close to surpassing the 2008 total of 145,783 but fell just short. The total of 2009 was 143, 096 or 2,687 short. Still, the past two years have seen the Library's largest yearly totals since 2004 (and probably before then also since our collection continues to grow).

So I want to say to say thank you for all of your patronage and use of this library (and other libraries) in 2009! We are here to service you and it is my goal that we are the best we can at all times.

Thank you and best wishes in 2010!