Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Odds and Ends at the Library

I wanted to update on some things happening at the Library:

Work continues on revising the Library's website. The Library hopes to have it completed by early summer.

The Library's exciting Summer Reading programs start June 1st. We are looking forward to the various wonderful programs and activities set up by the Library's Youth Services Department.

If one uses the stand-up computers upstairs, the Library has added a couple of new chairs specifically for those computers.

On May 5th, there will be another Crafty Book Club program here at the Library. The next Crafty Book Club program will not be until August.

On May 13th, the Spring Book Discussion will conclude with a discussion on Mildred Pierce by James Cain at 7:00 pm at the libary. Lottie Waggoner will leading the discussion and we cannot thank her enough for leading the series.

As aways, let me know how the library can be serve to you our patrons and the community as a whole.

Ware W. Wimberly III, Director

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