Thursday, October 23, 2008

2009 Library Conference (May 1, 2009)

Dear Friends,

As the I watch the colors in the trees change out the window of my office, it reminds me how quickly time goes and before you know it, it will be 2009. On May 1st, we have an exciting event here in Wabash. Every year, public libraries around the State of Indiana have an annual conference for their Indiana Library Federation District. Wabash Carnegie Public Library is in the geographic district called District II of the Indiana Library Federation. The Indiana Library Federation is a organization that supports and advocates for public libraries in the State. Geographically, public libraries west of Huntington, east of Williamsport, south of Plymouth, and north of Carmel are in District II. The location of the annual conference for each District changes every year. Wabash is hosting District II Conference for 2009 on May 1st which is a Friday.

Around 100 librarians and library support staff will come to Wabash on that day. The Library feels it is important to hold the conference in the Library as much as possible. Thus, the Library will be using the opportunity to showcase your library facility and other attractions in Wabash. Besides showing what a wonderful place the Wabash Carnegie Public Library and the community of Wabash is, it will also bring money in for the community. The attendees will put money into the community whether in the form of gas, coffee, meals, etc. It is also an opportunity for them to be introduced to Wabash and want to come back and see all that Wabash has to offer. By coming back, this means more money goes into the community.

If your business or organization would be interested in providing promotional material to the attendees, please let me know. We would also be interested in discussing prizes to your business or organizations for the participants during the conference. If your organization or business would be interested, please contact me at (260) 563-2972 or email me at See you at the Library.

Ware Wimberly, Director

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